...was in Ixtapa, Mexico. My partner-now-wife booked us for two weeks at a VRBO unit situated on the golf course with the beautiful Pacific Ocean as our backdrop. We golfed every day for two weeks and I had a lot of fun and did pretty good considering. That was back in 2005, many years before my back began to remind me that I'm getting old.

In Mexico, sand traps weren't the only hazard!

Since then, the clubs (and what remaining balls survived water hazards) have been shuffled from one side of the garage to another and from one state to another. Except for a few occasions, having cobwebs dusted from the case was the only attention the clubs received for nearly twenty years! Not that golf was ever 'my sport.' Growing up I played basketball and softball. Now, the thought of running from one end of the court to another or from first to second base scares me more than any crocodile! So, I pulled out the putter and wedge, and decided that 2023 is the year for this minimalist golfer to .... well, to golf!
Someone once told me getting back on the course is like riding a bicycle -- you never forget. Or was it 'getting back on the horse' that you never forgot? After about ten minutes of putting and chipping, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. My wife patiently reminded me about the basics: keep your wrists firm, keep your head down, and keep your eyes on the ball. And then, miracles of miracles, I sunk one from twenty feet! Soon, we'll be ready for the driving range. And then, the 9-hole Delphi Golf Course.

Enjoy your round!
