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Writer: kiehartkiehart

As the cold winds usher in the month of March I am reflecting on February and wonder if life can be any more exciting. I don't take any of this for granted. I know I am blessed and ever humble and thankful for...

--- continued good health.

--- every book that has sold and then loaned to a friend because it's not about the number of sales, it's about the number of readers!

--- setting May 7th for a book talk at Orca Books in Olympia.

--- every book review posted---so many from people I have not met in person!

--- hearing that 'Listen, the Board is Talking,' my short story, is accepted for publication in the 2023 NIWA Anthology.

--- turning 70 years old (when my dad turned 70, his advice to me was, "Don't get old" --possibly a dad joke?)

--- in-person, one-on-one meetups to talk about memoir writing.

--- ZOOM requests from book clubs.

--- clearing my desk area and updating my 2023 calendar with PRIDE events, bookselling events (Oly Arts Walk in April and the Griffin Neighborhood picnic in September), and local theater performances (Olympia Family Theater to see "The Girl Who Ate a Catcus" in March and SPSCC's "Falsettos" in July to name a couple).


--- working with classmates as we plan our 52nd HS Reunion --- COVID prevented a 2021 meet-up.

Also during the past 30 days I've read several memoirs from authors on the We Love Memoir FaceBook page. "Hatched" by Sharon Wallen, "Confessions of a VAT Inspector" by UK author Dawn Fallon, and "Wallace and Me" by UK author Cathy Mayes. I love reading the stories of writers' lives in other countries. There are about a dozen other memoirs on my e-reader from this group waiting for their turn to be read.

Mustn't forget a shout-out to Beth Haslam & Zoe Marr's "Completely Cats--Stories with Cattitude" and Kerk Murray's book, "Pawprints on Our Hearts" for providing that warm, cuddly feeling when we read about our fur babies.

I've updated my website so readers can purchase an autographed copy of Calico Lane through their Venmo account. Figuring this out was a huge techy step for me (and, yes, I needed my son's help). Check it out! Purchase an autographed copy for your LGBTQ friends and allies!

So today is the start of a new month: March! Yes, soon there will be a dinner of corned beef brisket with cabbage, carrots, and onions. And, since it's still too chilly to start any work on the flower beds, I'll continue the two books I am reading ("The Love of my Life" by Rosie Walsh and "Butter Side Up, Thank God" by Tina Wagner Mattern).

2023 looks to be a whirlwind of activity! Buckle up for the ride with me!

Writer: kiehartkiehart

Usually, the first weeks of the new year find me shredding old documents, and by the time the month is finished, I am not only onto the BIG stuff but I've secured a 2023 calendar -- ready for monthly notations, appointments, and commitments.

February has always (and probably will forever be) my busiest paperwork month. With the beginning of a new year, there is much to be done.

I must prepare for tax filing. Now that I make a few dollars with book sales, I am required to complete a Schedule C and a Schedule 1 to add to my 1040-SR. And I must prepare the appropriate form for the sales tax I've collected at events and through website sales. This is simply preparation, the gathering of data -- the actual tax filing will take place later...much later.

Then, there are the decisions as to how I'll budget Pisatel Press for 2023. Which magazines/subscriptions are worth keeping? I should renew my membership in those associations that have helped the most with promoting Calico Lane. Should I keep my web page active? When does the domain charge hit my credit card? For each question, a manila file folder holds paperwork that will help in these decisions; however, another time.

February is the month that I review my "contacts"...other writers I've met and want to touch base with during 2023. The wonderful folk who allowed me to present during their writing workshops last year may have a different group this year. I should check with them...not now, but soon.

I've read at least a half dozen books since the holidays...and I need to post reviews. This is a subtle reminder for those of you who read Calico Lane to please post a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or both! It does help us indie authors (authors without agents) gain a little traction in this craft. I also take a look at my evergrowing TBR (to be read) notebook, can I cross any books off the list? I'll do this some other time.

February is also when I research contests (for new authors). The contests I've entered in 2022 (BIBA, IPPY, Writer's Digest, Firebird, and PNWA) either have already declared winners or won't announce winners until later in 2023. So, I'm fairly certain I won't enter any contests this year. But who knows for certain? So it's probably wise to save that file...for another time.

In 2022 I did not run any ads promoting Calico Lane. I relied on FB and a monthly email. Authors need to expand their 'readership' or 'following.' I've accumulated a small stack of papers and articles about running ads on Amazon and other places. Perhaps in 2023 some advertising will be cost-effective...this will require much research--later!

February is also the month when I look for opportunities as a playwright. There are several small theater groups that have shown interest in my work, so I'll touch base with them. I also threw my hat into the ring for a local theater playwriters' event, but haven't heard back yet if I will be accepted. That part of my writing is all up in the air--for now. Come to think of it, I do have a file (someplace) with contact information for small, community theaters across the United States, I need to jump on that...later.

I must sort through summertime events (craft shows, book events, festivals, neighborhood picnics -- where ever authors have opportunities to set a table and promote books. Which events should I reserve for a vendor spot? Thankfully I have author-friends who join me for these events; now, however, is the time to get together with them and post the dates into my summer months! Yes, now!

February is also the month when I must line up doctor appointments so they won't interfere with events and summertime outings. I'll look into that another time.

And, last but not least, I'm on the High School Reunion Committee and I do need to get together with others and determine if we'll have an in-person gathering sometime during 2023. It might be able to wait...till later.

And some ask, "Judy, will you write another book?" Erm...the college-lined papers with ideas are in a file folder somewhere. You guessed it, I check on those noted ideas now and again.

This February will be different from any month in the past. I will turn 70 years old! Maybe I'll celebrate by not doing anything about the stacks of paperwork! You guessed it: I'll decide that later!

My desk on a good day:

Writer: kiehartkiehart

Aren't you tired of listening to people ramble on about New Year Resolutions (NYRs)? For at least sixty years I’ve been aware that NYRs are a thing people track. I'm definitely tired of hearing that someone resolves to:

· lose twenty pounds (no, you aren’t)

· stop smoking (maybe you will, but more likely you won’t)

· stop drinking (does wine count?)

. stop biting fingernails (until the next stresssor)

· volunteer (perhaps for the first month or two)

· call the parents at least once a week. (Ermm)

· learn to swim (possibly)… scuba dive (doubtful)… to golf (maybe)

· do better with saving money (no, you won’t)

. give more to charity (nice thought, but doubtful)

· write THAT book…..Ahhhhh – Now you’ve got my attention. I’m all in! What can I do to help? Let’s break it down: What kind of book would you write? Which books in that genre have you most enjoyed reading? Do you belong to a local writer’s group? Do you know anyone currently writing in that genre?

If every NYR received the same response as the book writing, would you find yourself following through at least until mid-summer?

NYRs seemingly are well intended, but are they more likely to be expressions of dissatisfaction? By not keeping NYRs, do we reinforce discontent? I think as we age, it becomes more difficult to change habits and routines.

Perhaps we should keep it simple. Maybe there is one resolution we can all accomplish in the New Year that will stretch beyond next December 31st:

Let each of us resolve to be more kind in 2023.

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